


a 6-month
practice program
for working with
emergent dialogue


Emergent dialogue is subtle work — literally. Not only does it take a great deal of subtlety to create the right conditions for a truly emergent dialogue, but one has to develop the capacity to sense subtle dimensions within the intersubjective space. It’s far more an art than a step-by-step technique. We are sculpting the space between, creating The best — and perhaps the only — way to cultivate a deeper intuition for the subtle in dialogue is practice.

This six-month program is designed for people who have familiarity with emergent dialogue and who would eventually like to be able to host, hold, and facilitate spaces for emergence. Developing real proficiency in what we call the Emerge Dialogue Process takes roughly three years, and the only way to get from here to there is to engage. The program will provide different contexts for practice and will support projects that participants have where they want to catalyze emergence.

Click here to register.

What will the program cover?

In addition to opportunities for practice, the program will explore:

  • Understanding the Intersubjective: Every conversation has an intersubjective dimension to it. What are the qualities of different kinds of intersubjective fields? What is the emergent potential in each? How can you “sculpt” the kind of atmosphere between people that you want and need in different contexts?

  • Tuning the Self: There are multiple dimensions of consciousness that we can perceive as sensitive human beings. How do we cultivate our capacities for sensing? How do we experience the gross, subtle, and causal dimensions? What supports development in these three dimensions?

  • Exploring Process & Intuition: Intuition is a transrational process, and also arises from different aspects of the self. How can we hone our capacity to align with the process? How do we learn to “get out of our own way”? Are there ways to include everyone?

ED Berlin fishbowl 2013

What are the program components?

The program will be offered from March through August, 2017, and will consist of:

  • Monthly sessions (two hours) in the Emergent Dialogue Lab. (No need to sign up for the Lab; your registration in the Lab is automatic once you join this program. You can be part of the Lab sessions as early as February 18th.)
  • Monthly whole group sessions (two hours) with Thomas and Elizabeth.
  • Two 30 minute appointments with Thomas and/or Elizabeth to discuss your goals and projects. One at beginning of program; one to be requested by participant as needed/wanted.
  • Small group sessions for project support and experimentation with aspects of emergent dialogue.
  • “Homework” in hosting a dialogue or for the project in which you want to use emergent dialogue.


Dates & Time of Whole Group Sessions

We will meet by Zoom video-/teleconference.
Details will be sent at the beginning of the course. To participate, all you need is a stable internet connection on a computer, tablet or smartphone. Or a telephone.

Each session will be held from 7:30- 9:30 AM (Pacific US Time), 10:30 AM- 12:30 PM (Eastern US Time), 3:30-5:30 PM (UK), 16:30-18:30 (Central Europe-Frankfurt), 9:00-11:00 PM (India Time),
11:30 PM -1:30 AM (China, Philippines, Western Australia)

March 26
(+ individual appts.
before May session)
May 28
June 18
July 23
August 27
September 10

Registration & Payment Options


Or for seniors. Let us know if you need a discount.




Your full registration enables us to offer these programs.



Please contact us if you have any questions or need financial support.